Friday, January 2, 1970

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Archive 2011

October 2010 and ongoing:

Get involved in Inspiring Educational and Heritage Dialogues and Parents as Christian Educatrion Coaches Dialogue

November and December 2010:
January - April  2011:

Participate in dialogue on FACTSnet Summer Programs in preparation for next spring and summer.  See links below for some of the projects started started last summer that could continue next spring and summer.

May - June 2011:

Schools, teachers and students participate in summer projects and dialogues.

July - August 2011:

Churches, and community organizations participate in summer projects and dialogues.

How to Participate in the Dialogue:

Although commenting to this or any other FACTSnet post is one way of participating in the dialogue,  FACTSnet advocates in person dialogue with online follow-up.

Email with your phone # to arrange for an in person dialogue.

It is proposed that  this  development take place by working with post-secondary and secondary students from grades 7-12 and their leaders.  Development will initially focus on the grades 7 and 8 curriculum with specific application to other grades and post-secondary students emerging as the dialogue develops.    

It is hoped that as we look at a common formal Christian worldview in the context of Alberta values that we will come to personal worldviews that reflect active Christian faith in relationship to our Alberta culture. The following are presented to open up a dialogue on how this could happen.

Study Basic Christian Belief:

This should start in pre-school by reading Bible Stories starting with a Bible like the Toddler's Bible, Then moving to a Bible like the Young Readers Bible, then the Picture Bible and a complete Bible like the New International Readers Version (designed for beginning readers).  Elementary students can have their own devotions as soon as they learn to read.

A more formal study of Christian Beliefs could take place following the in Worldview coIn grade 7& 8 Canadian Catholic study Christian Creeds.  The topics studied along with summaries of the Catholic catechism  and  Charles Colson and Harold Fickett's  book "The Faith" are referenced in a chart on Christian Beliefs (Creed Topics).  Colson's book is written for both Catholics and Protestants to understand basics Christian beliefs.  This is a great resource for teachers and parents and for students as they mature. 

Research and Share Canadian Christian Heritage and Worldview studies:
Stories of how family members and other Christians have participated in their communities and our country can be told starting in preschool.  Visiting historic sites especially as they relate to the Social Studies curriculum and Christian heritage.  For example, the grade 7 Social Studies curriculum focuses on Canadian history,.allowing teachers and parents an opportunity to help their students develop an understanding of how Christian faith has contributed to the development of Canada.

Link up with others who are studying Christian worldview from a Canadian perspective.  For example, we plan to link up with Joe Boot at Breakforth   You can join us by registering (super early bird deadline Nov. 9th 2010) for Breakforth sessions mentioned below.  The introduction to Joe Boot comes from breakforth's description of their speakers.
  1. Joe Boot

    Joe is the former director of Ravi Zacharias Ministries, apologist, author and senior pastor. His apologetic works include Searching for Truth, Why I Still Believe and How Then Shall We Answer? He is regularly seen on the Michael Coren show and ListenUp TV.  To learn more go to the website for the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity

    1. Breakforth 2011 Friday Workshop.
    2. Breakforth 2011 Electives
      108  A Christian Philosophy of History   Elective:  A  

      109  The Uniqueness of Christ - Part 1   Elective:  B  

      110  The Uniqueness of Christ - Part 2   Elective:  C  

      111  A Christian Philosophy of Education   Elective: D  
      112  A Christian View of Evolution   Elective:  E   


Relate Worldview Studies to Christian Worldview:
In grade 8 students study worldviews.  Teachers and parents can help students develop a Christian worldview by relating what is studied in religion and/or what is written by Colson (particularly pages 213-215) to their study of worldviews.   See  in Colson.  Parents and teachers could also connect with international students and Canadians working in the countries studied or visit those countries in person see Report on Japan/Alberta Summer 2010 Project and Christmas and Japanese Youth

If you have comments or know of resources that parents, teachers and/or students could use to help develop a Christian worldview please make a comment to this post so others can benefit from the dialogue.. We are also looking to set up face to face dialogues to participate email

Canadian Christian Education Index

This index is under development using topics from the Canadian Catholic Education Curriculum as a guide.  Protestant and general Christian links will be added to the index.  If you want to get involved make a comment to this post and/or email

Introduction to Christian Education

Grade 1 (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 1)
  1. Welcome! You belong.
  2. Jesus welcomes us. 
  3. We hear the story of God through Jesus.
  4. God dwells among us.
  5. I’ll always be with you. 
  6. Hallowed be your name. 
  7. Your will be done. 
  8. We belong to God’s family.
  9. The Holy Spirit gathers us into God’s circle of friends.
  10. We are born of the Spirit. 
Grade 2 (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 2)
  1. Let’s be friends!
  2. Let’s come together.
  3. Let’s treasure God’s word.
  4. Let’s treasure God’s presence.
  5. Let’s treasure God’s gift.
  6. Let’s take.
  7. Let’s bless.
  8. Let’s break.
  9. Let’s eat and drink.
  10. Let’s go forth. 
Grade 3 (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 3)
  1. We welcome and gather in the Spirit.
  2. The Holy Spirit gathers and feeds us at Eucharist.
  3. The Holy Spirit calls and anoints us in Baptism andConfirmation.
  4. The Holy Spirit comes upon Advent people.
  5. The Holy Spirit dwells in Jesus.
  6. The Holy Spirit dwells in the followers of Jesus.
  7. The Holy Spirit fills the whole earth.
  8. The Holy Spirit reconciles people.
  9. The Holy Spirit gives new life.
  10. The Holy Spirit is alive.
Grade 4 (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 4)
  1. The Church hands on the Good News.
  2. The Good News about Jesus Christ.
  3. Jesus tells us about the reign of God.
  4. A light shines in the darkness.
  5. Jesus,;“born of a woman.”
  6. Jesus reveals the compassion of God.
  7. Jesus says, “I am the Way.”
  8. Jesus gives his life for us.
  9. “My Lord and My God.”
  10. Jesus’ Spirit is with us.
Grade 5 (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 5)
  1. The Church proclaims the Good News.
  2. The Church believes in the Lord Jesus.
  3. The Church celebrates God’s mighty deeds.
  4. The Church expects the coming of the Lord.
  5. The Church welcomes all nations.
  6. The Church acts justly.
  7. The Church reconciles.
  8. The Church loves.
  9. The Church rejoices.
  10. The Church witnesses.
Grade 6 (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 6)
  1. “You are my friends.”
  2. “I love you with an everlasting love.”
  3. “I shall be your God; you shall be my people.”
  4. “God so loved the world.”
  5. “I am the way, the truth and the life.”
  6. “Love your enemies.”
  7. “What you do to the least of my brothers and sisters.”
  8. “No greater love.”
  9. “Do not be afraid.”
  10. “You shall be my witnesses.”
 Grade 7(See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 7)
  1. . . . We.
  2. We believe in God.
  3. We believe in God the Father Almighty.
  4. We believe in God . . . the Creator of heaven and earth.
  5. We believe in Jesus Christ his only Son.
  6. We believe in Jesus . . . Our Lord.
  7. We believe in Jesus . . . who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
  8. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead.
  9. On the third day he rose. He ascended into heaven.
  10. He is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
 Grade 8(See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 8)
  1. We believe in the Holy Spirit.
  2. We believe in the holy Church.
  3. We believe in one Catholic and Apostolic Church.
  4. We believe in the communion of saints.
  5. We believe in the forgiveness of sins.
  6. We believe in the resurrection of the body.
  7. We believe in life everlasting.
  8. Amen.
     Grade 9 (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 9)
    1. Be with Me.
    2. Be Alive.
    3. Be Faithful.
    4. Be Loving.
    5. Be Obedient.
    6. Be Just.
    7. Be Honest.
    8. Be Generous.
    9. Be Forgiving.
    10. Be Hopeful.
     Senior High (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Senior High)
      1. Christ in Culture.
      2. Believing.
      3. In Search of the Good.

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