Introduction to Christian Education
- Kindergarten
- Alberta Kindergarten Catholic Religious Education
- From: Kindergarten Catholic Handbook for Parents, 2011
- Grade 1 - Canadian Christian Education Network Grade 1
- Welcome! You belong.
- Jesus welcomes us.
- We hear the story of God through Jesus.
- God dwells among us.
- I’ll always be with you.
- Hallowed be your name.
- Your will be done.
- We belong to God’s family.
- The Holy Spirit gathers us into God’s circle of friends.
- We are born of the Spirit.
- Above links from Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 1
- Grade 2 (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 2) >>
- Grade 3 (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 3) >>
- We welcome and gather in the Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit gathers and feeds us at Eucharist.
- The Holy Spirit calls and anoints us in Baptism andConfirmation.
- The Holy Spirit comes upon Advent people.
- The Holy Spirit dwells in Jesus.
- The Holy Spirit dwells in the followers of Jesus.
- The Holy Spirit fills the whole earth.
- The Holy Spirit reconciles people.
- The Holy Spirit gives new life.
- The Holy Spirit is alive.
- Grade 4 (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 4) >>
- The Church hands on the Good News.
- The Good News about Jesus Christ.
- Jesus tells us about the reign of God.
- A light shines in the darkness.
- Jesus, “born of a woman.”
- Jesus reveals the compassion of God.
- Jesus says, “I am the Way.”
- Jesus gives his life for us.
- “My Lord and My God.”
- Jesus’ Spirit is with us.
- Grade 5
- The Church proclaims the Good News.
- The Church believes in the Lord Jesus.
- The Church celebrates God’s mighty deeds.
- The Church expects the coming of the Lord.
- The Church welcomes all nations.
- The Church acts justly.
- The Church reconciles.
- The Church loves.
- The Church rejoices.
- The Church witnesses.
- Above links from (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 5) >>
- J12 Jesus at Twelve
- Grade 6
- “You are my friends.”
- “I love you with an everlasting love.”
- “I shall be your God; you shall be my people.”
- “God so loved the world.”
- “I am the way, the truth and the life.”
- “Love your enemies.”
- “What you do to the least of my brothers and sisters.”
- “No greater love.”
- “Do not be afraid.”
- “You shall be my witnesses.”
- Above links from Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 6) >>
- J12 Jesus at Twelve
- Grade 7 (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 7) >>
- . . . We.
- We believe in God.
- We believe in God the Father Almighty.
- We believe in God . . . the Creator of heaven and earth.
- We believe in Jesus Christ his only Son.
- We believe in Jesus . . . Our Lord.
- We believe in Jesus . . . who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
- He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead.
- On the third day he rose. He ascended into heaven.
- He is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
- Grade 8 (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 8)>>
- Grade 9 (See Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 9) >>