The aim of In Search of the Good is to assist young people toFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Senior High
understand themselves as moral persons living the way of Christ
through and examination of ethical theories, the revelation of
sacred Scripture, and the experience and teaching of the Catholic
Catholic Curriculum Handbook for Parents: Senior High School 9
Church. This aim is grounded in the broader aim of catechesis to
foster our students’ faith, so that it may be living, conscious and
active as they examine how, as Catholics, they may contribute to
the good life with and for others in a just society. The aim of In
Search of the Good is met through these six units:
• mapping the ethical experience
• guided by the light of Revelation
• discovering the good life
• gifted with freedom
• proclaiming justice and mercy
• building a civilization of love.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Senior High Religious Studies 35: In Search of the Good
Senior High Religious Studies 25: Believing
Young people search to find answers about themselves, others andFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Senior High
God. The beliefs that adolescents hold will greatly influence the
choices they make in the future. This course is intended:
• to explore how believing is integral to human living
• to study the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and Christian
Scriptures (New Testament) as the source of our Judeo-
Christian faith
• to recognize the importance of Christ’s message in the Gospels
and how that message challenges us to bring about the reign of
Senior High Religious Studies 15: Christ in Culture
The overall aim of the program is to assist young persons with theFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Senior High
help of the gospel, to participate as Catholics in the shaping of our
culture. Christ and Culture brings Canadian culture into
conversation with Christ for young people. It explains the terms
and concepts of such a conversation. How can such a conversation
between the person of Christ and culture take place? What are the
partners in the conversation? What are the ways that we converse?
Why is such a conversation helpful? To explore this dialogue,
Christ and Culture focuses on three key elements:
• the human being—the student who enters into the dialogue
• culture and the things that shape culture in Canada
• the person of Christ as he is present and active among us and
in us today in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Grade 9 Unit 10: Be Hopeful.
The students will understand hope and its role in Christian living
and explore the ways that prayer nourishes hope. They will
identify people who model Christian hope and examine the 1st
Commandment as a call to place all our hope in God. A review of
the Virtues and Beatitudes that underlie the Christian lifestyle will
culminate in a celebration of faith. “Blessed are you when people
revile you and persecute you on my account. Rejoice and be glad,
for your reward is great in heaven.”
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 9
Grade 9 Unit 9: Be Forgiving.
The students will define forgiveness, examine the ways Jesus
models forgiveness, and identify areas in their life where they are
called to forgive. They will understand reconciliation, give
examples of how it restores and heals relationships, and explain
how the Church enables and facilitates reconciliation. “Blessed
are the merciful.”
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 9
Grade 9 Unit 8: Be Generous.
The students will understand how Jesus models a generous attitude
toward others and enables us to rejoice in our own and in other’s
good fortune, happiness and blessing. They will define pure of
heart, modesty and envy, comparing and contrasting common
attitudes in society with the 9th and 10th Commandments. These
commandments will be used as a tool for critical reflection on
career and life skills planning. “Blessed are the pure of heart.”
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 9
Grade 9 Unit 7: Be Honest.
The students will define stewardship in terms of respect for the
goods and property of another. They will identify the balance
between the right to own and the requirement to share. The
students will explain the role of truthfulness in relationships and
recognize God as the source of absolute truth and they will
evaluate their own behaviour in light of the 7th and 8th
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 9
Grade 9 Unit 6: Be Just.
The students will identify social justice issues and use the
preferential option for the poor as the criterion for analyzing issues
of injustice. They will demonstrate an understanding that Christian
justice is rooted in love, mercy and compassion. Blessed are those
who hunger and thirst for righteousness. The students will also
evaluate their lifestyle in terms of its ecological impact and identify
the correlation between their relationship with God and their
relationship with others and the earth. “Blessed are the meek.”
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 9
Grade 9 Unit 5: Be Obedient.
The students will explain and interpret the 4th Commandment as it
applies to families and identify the roles, duties and
responsibilities that are shared within Christian families. They
will recognize legitimate authority within various sectors of
society: school, civic community, Church, and identify, explain
and affirm their respective duties.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 9
Grade 9 Unit 4: Be Loving.
The students will explore the Christian dimensions of love within
the context of popular notions of love. They will analyze ways
they love others and articulate what it means to be loved and to
love unconditionally. They will review and apply a decisionmaking
model, define conscience, and name its role in moral
decision making. Within the context of the 6th Commandment as a
protection for the sacred bonds of committed love, the students
will explain how sexuality helps them to love, identify acceptable
Christian expressions of love, and analyze sexual issues in relation
to the virtue of chastity. They will identify signs of manipulative,
coercive and abusive behaviours in relationships and demonstrate
an understanding of the assertiveness skills necessary for
developing and maintaining healthy relationships. “Blessed are
the peacemakers.”
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 9
Grade 9 Unit 3: Be Faithful.
The students are introduced to the virtue of faithfulness as an
attitude that encourages them to involve God in their lives. The 1st
and 2nd Commandments are seen as a call to love and respect God
above everything. The students will deepen their understanding of
prayer as a lived relationship with God, and the 3rd Commandment
as a call to “stop and pray.” They will describe and demonstrate a
variety of forms of prayer and articulate the different ways God
responds to prayer. “Blessed are the poor in spirit.”
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 9
Grade 9 Unit 2: Be Alive.
The students are invited to deepen their appreciation for the gift of
life, and as they become increasingly aware of their gifts and
abilities through the mystery of the Incarnation. Jesus affirms the
dignity of every person and the sacredness of the human body.
The 5th Commandment underlines the sacredness of human life
from the moment of conception to the moment of death. Emotions
are a gift that helps us to relate to God and others. Our faith
guides our expression of emotion so that we relate to others in a
responsible and loving way. “Blessed are the peacemakers.”
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 9
Grade 9 Unit 1: Be with Me.
The students will examine the qualities of relationships. They will
identify ways that the Beatitudes help us to understand the
distinctive Christian attitudes that shape wholesome relationships.
The Ten Commandments and Beatitudes are seen as stepping
stones that show the way to true happiness and friendship with
God and others.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 9
Grade 8 Unit 8: Amen.
The students review the Creed in its entirety examining it as both aFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 8
statement of who we are and who we are called to become as
followers of Jesus. Their “amen”, their “yes”, is both personal and
communal and is made possible, reinforced, and lived out, in their
participation in the Eucharist. While examining the flow of the
Eucharistic liturgy the students discover the purpose and value of
each part of the liturgy in relation to their faith and their lives.
Grade 8 Unit 7: We believe in life everlasting.
The students review the Creed in its entirety examining it as both aFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 8
statement of who we are and who we are called to become as
followers of Jesus. Their “amen”, their “yes”, is both personal and
communal and is made possible, reinforced, and lived out, in their
participation in the Eucharist. While examining the flow of the
Eucharistic liturgy the students discover the purpose and value of
each part of the liturgy in relation to their faith and their lives.
Grade 8 Unit 6: We believe in the resurrection of the body.
The students reflect on the human body as a precious gift fromFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 8
God and on their responsibility to care for their body since the way
they treat their body affects their relationships with God and with
others. In studying the Catholic teaching about responsible sexual
conduct the students discuss appropriate and inappropriate
expressions of love and affection. The sacrament of Marriage is
presented as the context for total, lifelong and life-giving sexual
love. Using Gospel stories which touch upon the issue of
suffering, guidance is given to help students evaluate attitudes
toward suffering and identify Christian ways of responding to
Grade 8 Unit 5: We believe in the forgiveness of sins.
The students are introduced to the Ten Commandments in terms ofFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 8
the challenges they pose for their lives today. Sin is seen as an
abuse of the freedom that God gives us, weakening our love for
God and one another and impairing our growth towards
wholeness. Conscience is likened to a navigation chart that helps
us to do the right thing as we go through life, with the grace of the
Sacrament of Reconciliation making it possible for us to re-orient
our lives toward God.
Grade 8 Unit 4: We believe in the communion of saints.
The students examine what it means to live as part of aFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 8
community, identify those who are part of the community of
saints, and reflect on the Christian attitude toward death. Through
stories of saints the students are invited to reflect on God’s love for
them and their call to live the Gospel challenge even in the face of
difficulty and hardship, realizing that ultimately each person is
called to be a saint!
Grade 8 Unit 3: We believe in one Catholic and Apostolic Church.
The students explore the unity and diversity of the Church. TheyFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 8
reflect on the primary mission of the Church to share in the love of
the Trinity and by examining different models of the Church come
to better understand the richness of its diversity. As members of
an apostolic Church the call to love and serve others is lived out
and expressed in the Sacraments of Marriage and Holy Orders.
Grade 8 Unit 2: We believe in the holy Church.
The students are invited to broaden their understanding of holinessFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 8
and sacrament, and to deepen their awareness of God’s presence in
signs, symbols and ritual. They study the Sacraments of Initiation
(Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) as calling and empowering
us to live in holiness and the Sacraments of Healing (Anointing of
the Sick and Reconciliation) as signs of hope and wholeness in the
midst of pain, confusion and brokenness.
Grade 8 Unit 1: We believe in the Holy Spirit.
Starting with the story of Pentecost the students deepen theirFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 8
understanding of the mystery of the Holy Trinity and the action of
God in their lives. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit all are
empowered to live the Gospel call to love and service.
Grade 7 Unit 8: He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead.
Students are invited to name the ways in which they give ofFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 7
themselves and make connections to the suffering and death of
Jesus. They are invited to reflect on the meaning of Jesus’
sacrifice on the cross and on how they can participate in Christ’s
sacrifice at the Eucharist. They are invited to consider Jesus’
descent among the dead as signifying that the message of salvation
is for all people in all times and all places.
For more details see: Unit 8 (Grade 7)- Jesus' Crucifixion
Grade 7 Unit 10: He is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
Students are invited to name the ways in which Jesus judges, andFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 7
to understand that judgement is a call to be whole. Students reflect
on conversion, heaven, hell, purgatory, repentance and true
Grade 7 Unit 9: On the third day he rose. He ascended into heaven.
Students are invited to name the hope which the resurrection ofFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 7
Jesus offers even during the most difficult moments of their lives.
They are invited to reflect on experiences of resurrection. They
consider the resurrection as the offer of new life in the face of
death. They are invited to understand that Jesus can be heard in
the Scriptures and seen in the blessing and breaking of bread.
Grade 7 Unit 7: We believe in Jesus . . . who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
Students explore the ways in which God is with us in Jesus, inFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 7
which God works with us, and in which we can work with God.
They reflect on Mary as an example of one who hears the word of
God and responds to it with her whole heart. They are invited to
see Jesus as fully human and fully divine, and as the model of
holiness. They study the geography and history of Jesus’
homeland, Israel.
Grade 7 Unit 6: We believe in Jesus . . . Our Lord.
Students explore the nature of the kingdom of God and what itFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 7
means to be part of that kingdom, and so address Jesus as Lord. In
reflecting on the parables and on the ‘Our Father’ they are invited
to understand that the kingdom is Jesus’ call to a way of life based
on loving relationships.
Grade 7 Unit 5: We believe in Jesus Christ his only Son.
Students explore what makes Jesus believable, and the ways theFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 7
faith community identifies Jesus. Students consider the
significance of the many titles for Jesus—Rabbi, Priest, Lamb of
God, Prophet, Messiah, Son of David, the Nazarene, Saviour, Son
of Man, Lord, Son of God. They are invited to reflect that through
his actions, Jesus reveals God’s care for us. People who encounter
Jesus change. As a New Testament people we are likewise
challenged to change.
Grade 7 Unit 4: We believe in God . . . the Creator of heaven and earth.
Students consider the wonder of creation and the ways in whichFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 7
God invites us to participate in creation and in God’s creative
action. They reflect on God as creator, read the biblical version of
creation, and are invited to understand the relationship between
biblical stories, science and history. They are invited to consider
that to know and accept other people, they must accept their
sexuality, their maleness or their femaleness, their physical gifts
and limitations.
Grade 7 Unit 3: We believe in God the Father Almighty
Students investigate the personality of God as parent. They areFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 7
invited to appreciate that God’s love goes far beyond human
limitations and yet learn how fatherhood and motherhood help us
understand God. They are invited to see the Ten Commandments
as a call to live life rooted in respect for self, for others and for
God. They learn about formation of conscience and of a three step
decision-making model—observe, judge, act.
Grade 7 Unit 2: We believe in God
Students explore and express the meaning of believing, and what itFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 7
means to believe in God. They reflect on Abraham as an example
of a person whose whole life was shaped by trust and belief in
God. They hear of God’s faithfulness to people as it is revealed in
the story of the Exodus.
Grade 7 Unit 1: ...We
Students are invited to formulate, explore and express theirFrom Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 7
identity in relationship to the larger faith community. They study
the basic structure of the Bible and how to locate passages. They
are invited to reflect on the Bible as the story of the Christian
community and its relationship with God. They reflect on
Scripture in history and study the key events in the history of
Grade 6 Unit 10: “You shall be my witnesses.”
The students explore what it is to be a moral witness in the power
of the Holy Spirit and the practical application of this in their lives.
They research the “witnessing” of saints and modern day martyrs
and saints in our midst. They also learn how to prepare a
celebration of the Eucharist.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 6
Grade 6 Unit 9: “Do not be afraid.”
The students celebrate the risen Lord and identify the ways that
Jesus is present among us. They reflect on the sacraments of
initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 6
Grade 6 Unit 8: “No greater love.”
The students, by exploring the events of Jesus’ passion and death,
remember His forgiveness and discover what it means to forgive
and to seek forgiveness.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 6
Grade 6 Unit 7: “What you do to the least of my brothers and sisters.”
The students explore Lent (the Christian’s journey to Easter) as a
time of prayer, fasting, almsgiving and a time of covenant renewal.
Students learn that, by engaging in the corporal works of mercy,
they meet Christ in the poor.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 6
Grade 6 Unit 6: “Love your enemies.”
The students examine justice issues through the Beatitudes. They
explore ways of living the Beatitudes to reveal God’s kingdom.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 6
Grade 6 Unit 5: “I am the way, the truth and the life.”
The students reflect on Christmas as a celebration of God’s
abundant love and how the new covenant is revealed in Jesus.
They also examine global relationships and issues of justice and
injustice. Students are encouraged to find ways to respond and
accept the challenge of justice.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 6
Grade 6 Unit 4: “God so loved the world.”
Students discover how the covenant with God is kept—or not kept.
They celebrate Advent, as a time of hope, through ritual. They
meet the prophet Isaiah as a prophet of hope. The students learn
about those who kept alive the hope of salvation; about Mary, the
bearer of God’s promise and about how Jesus is the fulfillment of
the promise.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 6
Grade 6 Unit 3: “I shall be your God; you shall be my people.”
Students reflect on the meaning of covenant and what a covenant
relationship implies. The ten commandments are explored with
emphasis on how they are like a light for us on the path of life.
The students learn how Jesus summarized the Ten
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 6
Grade 6 Unit 2: “I love you with an everlasting love.”
The students explore how others come to us as the image and
likeness of God and how this evokes a moral response. They meet
the prophet Moses and explore the image of God as liberator.
They learn that Christians are called to reverence God’s Holy
Name and to respect the names of others.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 6
Grade 6 Unit 1: “You are my friends.”
The students are invited to discover God’s love in our friendships.
They are encouraged to recognize God as our source of light and
how they (the students) are lights to others. They learn that
Christian moral life is based on love and that by good relationships
they create a moral world.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 6
Grade 5 Unit 10: The Church witnesses.
The students explore the structure and marks of the Church.
Through the missionary journeys of Paul, they reflect on the
Church’s witness to God’s gracious purpose and love throughout
the world. The students celebrate their being sent forth as Church.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 5
Grade 5 Unit 9: The Church rejoices.
The students reflect on what it means to be an Easter people and
celebrate the risen Jesus through sign, symbol and story. They
explore the sacraments and rites of the Church. Through story and
research, they discover the work and life of Canadian martyrs and
how Canadians have been changed by the risen Lord.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 5
Grade 5 Unit 8: The Church loves.
The students look at how God’s love is active in the Church, and
they reflect on the Church’s mission as one of love and service.
Through parables and stories of Jesus’ miracles, they discover how
Jesus reveals God’s love. They deepen their understanding of the
Chrism mass, the passion of Jesus, the Easter Triduum and the
sacrament of Holy Orders.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 5
Grade 5 Unit 7: The Church reconciles.
The students explore the Church as an agent of God’s
reconciliation in the world. They explore the concepts of the
mystery of evil, sin and temptation. Through prayer and activity,
the students reflect on Lent as preparation for Easter. They
explore the relationship of baptism and eucharist to reconciliation
and learn about the sacrament of reconciliation.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 5
Grade 5 Unit 6: The Church acts justly.
The students discover what it means to act justly—to respect and
be of service to others, to respect all of creation and to have
compassionate regard for the disadvantaged.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 4
Grade 5 Unit 5: The Church welcomes all nations.
The students celebrate Epiphany as God calls all people of all
nations. They hear God’s call in Scripture through Abraham,
Moses, Ruth, Naomi and Jonah. They learn about the Church in
Canada and in their own diocese and parish.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 5
Grade 5 Unit 4: The Church expects the coming of the Lord.
The students experience the season of Advent as a season of hope
through Isaiah, John the Baptist and Mary. They learn to pray
with Mary and the Church.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 5
Grade 5 Unit 3: The Church celebrates God’s mighty deeds.
The students are invited to deepen their sense of belonging to the
community of praise. They explore the structure of the eucharist,
plan a eucharistic celebration and are invited to celebrate the
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 5
Grade 5 Unit 2: The Church believes in the Lord Jesus.
The students explore the Acts of the Apostles and see the
development and growth of the early Church. They discuss and
learn the steps of Christian initiation—Rite of Christian Initiation
of Adults (RCIA), baptism, confirmation and eucharist.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 5
Grade 5 Unit 1: The Church proclaims the Good News.
The students recognize that we are made and chosen by God and
are called to lasting friendship with Him. They reflect on God’s
dream to gather all people as one. We are called by the Spirit into
community and are gathered in the name of Jesus.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 5
Grade 4 Unit 10: Jesus’ Spirit is with us.
The students discover how Jesus continues to transform and affect
our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. They recognize
that through Baptism and Confirmation we are empowered by the
Spirit of Jesus and in faith we are invited to continue the mission
of Jesus.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 4
Grade 4 Unit 9: “My Lord and My God.”
The students share the joy of the disciples while reflecting on the
meaning and mystery of the resurrection of Jesus. They come to
recognize Jesus in our midst and see how we share the life of the
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 4
Grade 4 Unit 8: Jesus gives his life for us.
The students are invited to deepen their understanding of the death
of Jesus as an act of forgiveness and love through the stories of the
Last Supper and the Way of the Cross. They reflect on the
Eucharist as an invitation to live a life of love and service.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 4
Grade 4 Unit 7: Jesus says, “I am the Way.”
Through Jesus’ conversations with Nicodemus, the Samaritan
woman, and Philip, the students are introduced to new life and
rebirth in Baptism and the Holy Spirit. Story and symbol evoke in
the students trust in the action of the Holy Spirit and the desire of
God to immerse each of us in love.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 4
Grade 4 Unit 6: Jesus reveals the compassion of God.
The students are invited to see and hear the healing, preaching and
prayer of Jesus through which he reveals to us the power and
compassion of God. They reflect on our call to participate in the
building of the kingdom of God.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 4
Grade 4 Unit 5: Jesus, “born of a woman.”
The students celebrate and explore the humanity of Jesus through
Mary and Joseph, Simeon and Anna. They reflect on the
uniqueness of Jesus’ relationship with God. The students explore
the Jewish heritage of Jesus and begin to appreciate that, as a Jew,
he was deeply shaped by his people’s customs, culture and
encounter with God.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 4
Grade 4 Unit 4: A light shines in the darkness.
Through the message of John the Baptist the students explore their
experiences of darkness and light. Advent is celebrated as a
season of longing and waiting for the great light: Jesus Christ,
God-with-us. The Jesse Tree introduces the ancestors of Jesus and
invites the students to be rooted in the life of Jesus.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 4
Grade 4 Unit 3: Jesus tells us about the reign of God.
The students meet Jesus the story teller, entering into and enjoying
the parables: the Sower, the Pearl of Great Price and the Good
Shepherd. Through these parables they hear about the reign of
God and are invited to wonder and delight in God’s unconditional
love, especially as seen by people past and present.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 4
Grade 4 Unit 2: The Good News about Jesus Christ.
The students hear how the first Christians were attracted to Jesus,
how they came to understand who Jesus is, and how the Gospels
came to be written down, and how the Holy Spirit keeps alive the
memory of Jesus through the Church.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 4
Grade 4 Unit 1: The Church hands on the Good News.
As a new school year begins, the students experience the joy and
enthusiasm of new beginnings. They enter into the story of the
first Christian community through the Pentecost story. The
students receive the gospel book and begin to learn how to use it.
They begin to develop reverence for the Bible as the word of God.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 4
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Grade 3 Unit 10: The Holy Spirit is alive.
The students are invited to enter into their participation of the great
gathering of God which is the Church. They gather with the
community to listen to God’s word and recite the Creed,
symbolizing who we are in Christ.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 3
Grade 3 Unit 9: The Holy Spirit gives new life.
The students savour the Easter feast and enter into the mystery of
new life in the Spirit. They hear about people who have
experienced the power of Jesus’ resurrection in their lives and
begin to see how that “new life in the Spirit” is witnessed in the
actions of people.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 3
Grade 3 Unit 8: The Holy Spirit reconciles people.
The students explore the experience and reality of evil, and the
activity of the Holy Spirit as the power that makes reconciliation
and forgiveness possible in our world. They reflect on Jesus’
understanding of forgiveness, and on their own readiness to
celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. They reflect on the
love of God as shown in the Passion of Jesus and how this love
heals our sin and division.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 3
Grade 3 Unit 7: The Holy Spirit fills the whole earth.
The students are invited to see all of creation as Spirit filled and to
recognize the role and responsibility of human beings in caring for
God’s creation. As “images of God” they see that what they do
can make a difference. They are invited to praise and bless God
for creation.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 3
Grade 3 Unit 6: The Holy Spirit dwells in the followers of Jesus.
The students explore how Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, begins
the gathering of God’s people through the calling of men and
women as disciples. They are invited to see the working of the
Spirit in the new community called the Church. The students enter
into the stories of people who are witnesses to the actions of the
Spirit in our time.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 3
Grade 3 Unit 5: The Holy Spirit dwells in Jesus.
The students are invited into the mystery of Christmas and the
celebration of God’s dwelling among us. They begin to explore
the activity of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ ministry and how this
power of the Spirit helps Jesus to accomplish God’s dream.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 3
Grade 3 Unit 4: The Holy Spirit comes upon Advent people.
The students are invited to experience the true meaning of the
season of Advent. Through ritual, symbol and story they enter into
the hopes and expectations of the season, to better understand the
meaning of God’s coming among us, and to see how Jesus
continues to come into our lives today. The students celebrate the
hope of God’s dream to gather all people together into Christ.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 3
Grade 3 Unit 3: The Holy Spirit calls and anoints us in Baptism and Confirmation
The students reflect on the Eucharist and on their membership in
this assembly of God’s people. They explore Baptism and
Confirmation as ritual celebrations of their initiation into Christ.
As they explore these they begin to recognize that the sacraments
of initiation call and empower everyone to serve others.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 3
Grade 3 Unit 2: The Holy Spirit gathers and feeds us at Eucharist.
The students deepen their experience of gathering and focus on the
Eucharist as the central act of gathering the Christian community.
They begin to see the eucharistic action as the activity of the Holy
Spirit working toward God’s dream of gathering all people into
“one body, one spirit, in Christ”. The students engage in the
preparation and celebration of the Eucharist.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 3
Grade 3 Unit 1: We welcome and gather in the Spirit.
The students welcome one another, get acquainted, begin to create
their classroom environment and gather their hopes and dreams for
the year. They reflect on God’s dream of gathering people into
one family. The students celebrate and savour that dream.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 3
Grade 2 Unit 10: Let’s go forth.
The students explore the meaning of the ‘dismissal rite’ and what
it is to be ‘sent forth’ at the conclusion of the Celebration of the
Eucharist. They are invited to remember the joy of being together
and to treasure belonging to the risen Jesus.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 2
Grade 8 Unit 9: Let’s eat and drink.
The students explore the joy of the Easter story, reflect on Jesus’
abiding presence and how he gathers us, feeds us, and invites us to
be ‘bread’ for others.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 2
Grade 2 Unit 8: Let’s break.
The students explore the meaning of the ‘Our Father’ as our
request for daily bread and reconciliation. They are invited to
enter into the suffering and death of Jesus as bread broken, to
recognize the call to serve others, and to listen to the invitation to
feast at the table of the Eucharist.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 2
Grade 2 Unit 7: Let’s bless.
The students see that during the Liturgy of the Eucharist we praise,
honour and thank God for what God has done in creation, what
God has done in our midst, and explore how the Holy Spirit acts in
the Eucharist.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 2
Grade 2 Unit 6: Let’s take.
The students are invited to appreciate that God’s gifts of the
created world are intended for all God’s people, that at the
Celebration of the Eucharist we give thanks to God for these gifts,
as well as for the work of human hands. At the Sunday assembly
we take all to the Eucharistic table and celebrate this.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 2
Grade 2 Unit 5: Let’s treasure God’s gift.
The students are invited to treasure the gift we have in God’s
Word, enter into God’s story given to us in the Creed, and explore
the community’s prayer in the ‘General Intercessions’ at Mass.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 2
Grade 2 Unit 4: Let’s treasure God’s presence.
The students are invited to celebrate Advent as an invitation to
respond to God’s Word as Mary did, to rejoice in God’s presence
among us, and, in listening to John the Baptist, hear the invitation
to change our hearts.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 2
Grade 2 Unit 3: Let’s treasure God’s word.
The students are encouraged to develop a listening attitude to the
Word of God, to experience Jesus Christ as Word, and to celebrate
that Jesus is God’s Word revealed to us.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 2
Grade 2 Unit 2: Let’s come together.
The students reflect on belonging to their own family, and to the
family of the Church. They focus on experiences of greeting,
especially during the Celebration of the Eucharist. They reflect on
their belonging to the Lord Jesus as experienced during the
‘Gathering’ part of the Eucharistic Celebration and remember that
they belong to God and the faith community through Baptism.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 2
Grade 2 Unit 1: Let’s be friends!
Through enjoying being together, the students share stories of
friendship, discover the joy of having friends, and strengthen the
ties of friendship by preparing and celebrating a friendship party.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 2
Grade 1 Unit 10: We are born of the Spirit.
The students explore how the Holy Spirit is the life of God within
us, and how through baptism we belong to one another and to God.
They discuss how together we praise and thank God as part of the
Christian family, the Church.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 1
Grade 1 Unit 9: The Holy Spirit gathers us into God’s circle of friends.
The students are invited to reflect on Easter as the celebration of
the Resurrection of Jesus and his new life. They consider that
through baptism we share in the life of Jesus and celebrate our
belonging to the family of God.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 1
Grade 1 Unit 8: We belong to God’s family.
The students discuss how Jesus invites us to become more loving,
and that it is difficult to love sometimes. They consider that in
trying to love fully they will need to receive and give forgiveness.
They learn the ‘sign of the cross’ which shows we belong and
reminds us of Jesus’ love for all people.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 1
Grade 1 Unit 7: Your will be done.
The students are invited to reflect on a meal as an experience of
belonging where we share food, stories and ourselves. They see
that Jesus shared meals with his friends and that he included
everyone. They explore Lent as a time to live like Jesus and so
prepare for Easter.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 1
Grade 1 Unit 6: Hallowed be your name.
The students are invited to reflect that God calls each of us by
name, and we call God by name. They look to Jesus who shows
us how to talk to God and learn the ‘Our Father’.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 1
Grade 1 Unit 5: I’ll always be with you.
In the stories of Christmas and Epiphany, the students explore how
close God is to us and how God cares for each of us and for all of
creation. They are invited to reflect on Jesus as our light and life.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 1
Grade 1 Unit 4: God dwells among us.
The students are invited into the season of Advent with a sense of
waiting and discover how God chose Mary to give us Jesus. They
listen to the story of the Annunciation, learn the ‘Hail Mary’ and
celebrate Advent.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 1
Grade 1 Unit 3: We hear the story of God through Jesus.
The students explore the Bible as the treasured story of God which
binds us together in the Christian family. They are invited to
reflect on God through Jesus’ story of the Good Shepherd, and see
Jesus teach us how to pray. They visit our community church.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 1
Grade 1 Unit 2: Jesus welcomes us.
The students reflect on Jesus as someone who loves children, tells
us that we are his friends and experience him as a wonderful
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 1
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Grade 1 Unit 1: Welcome! You belong
In experiencing and celebrating belonging, the students identify
with their friends and together discover that they belong to God
and the Christian community. Each person is valued as belonging
to God’s family.
From Alberta Ed. Catholic Handbook for Parents Grade 1
Introduction to Christian Education
Religious education is an essential and integral part of the life and
culture of a Catholic school. Through it, students are invited to
develop the knowledge, beliefs, skills, values and attitudes needed
to build a relationship with God and community through the
person of Jesus Christ. Religious education shares the same goals
and objectives set forth for all good education, that is, the growth
and development of the whole person in all his or her
dimensions—physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual.
Religious education has four essential characteristics.
It is Trinitarian. It recognizes God as the creator of all things
who gives us Jesus. It is Jesus who reveals God to us, and in turn
reveals God’s Spirit, through whom we understand our faith.
It is based on Sacred Scripture through which we hear the
mystery of God revealed, the call to be in relationship with God
and each other, and we learn how to pray.
It is based on the life experience of the students through which
they are invited to discern signs of God in their daily lives.
It is presented within the tradition of the Catholic faith
community which, based on Church teachings, sacramental and
liturgical life, provides students with experiences of faith, prayer,
love and justice.
With an awareness of the uniqueness of each student and a
recognition that religious development takes place through a
process of stages and within a community, it is expected that
program presentation will vary from place to place to meet the
diverse learning and religious formation needs of all students.
The Religious Education Program for elementary and junior high
schools is authorized by the Bishop of the local diocese. Some
school districts have developed supplementary resources and
adapted the program to better meet local needs...
The Religious Education Program invites students to
explore their belonging to God who is introduced as Father, Son
and Holy Spirit. The students study what it means to belong to the
tradition, faith and community of God’s people—the Church.
They are introduced to the Bible—God’s written word—which
identifies Jesus of Nazareth as the witness of God who shows us
the way to God...
The school, through the Religious Education Program,
complements parents in their role as primary and principal
educators of their children. Home and family play a vitally
important role in the faith development of children. Within the
family, seeds of faith are planted. Family relationships and daily
experiences are major factors in shaping a child’s values, attitudes
and Catholic identity. Regular religious practice and the
application of classroom learning to daily life are critical parts of
religious formation.
Prayer is an integral part of the Religious Education Program and
of each school day since intimacy with God is the ultimate goal of
Catechesis. Respecting the individual differences of children and
our changing human needs, prayer is experienced in many
different ways: silent reflection, guided imagery, scriptural prayer,
song and formal community prayer. As we enter into prayer we
give praise and thanks for God’s loving presence, and call upon
the Spirit to guide, nourish and empower our lives through Jesus
Teaching the sacraments occurs within the Religious Education
Program. Sacraments celebrate the presence of Christ in our lives.
They are effective signs that make God’s grace present to us in
love, healing and the transformation of our lives. Eucharist and
Reconciliation are an essential part of each child’s religious
formation and a necessary grounding for a mature faith. As with
many basic themes, Eucharist and Reconciliation are introduced in
Grade 1, but continue to be deepened and intensified in each year
thereafter. Children who have not yet celebrated First Communion
or First Reconciliation are always welcome to contact their parish
to begin their immediate preparation for the sacraments.
The Religious Education Program interprets for the students what
the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches about our faith in a
manner appropriate to the age and development of the students.
Not everything in the Catechism is incorporated because, as the
Catechism itself points out, what is taught must be adapted to the
“differences of culture, age, spiritual maturity, and social and
ecclesial conditions among all those to whom it is addressed”
(#24). Specific excerpts are quoted at the end of each theme for
the teacher to help root the contents and activities of the theme in
Church tradition.
The Religious Education Program is structured around the ChurchFrom The Alberta Education Grade 1 Curriculum Handbook for Parents (Catholic Edition)
liturgical year. This enables students to live and express faith in an
integrated way at school, at home and in the parish community.
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