Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Reset 2017 Suggestions for Judeo-Christian Communities

This post is underdevelopment your comments are welcome in forming a dialogue on this topic.

Here is a draft of suggestions that could be expanded upon.
  1.  Examine the concept of Jubilee as presented in the scriptures and see how we can apply it in 2017.
For Christian Communities:
  1. Study the Nehemiah Reset by reading Ezra, Nehmiah, Haggai, Zechariah and the following resources from David Jeremiah.
  2. RESET—Ten Steps to Spiritual Renewal. Powerfully Practical. A great opportunity to "reset" your walk with God! This inspirational, yet practical, new book willl ...
    Nehemiah set out tem goals for the Jewish remnant that needed to be met if they were to experience the blessings God had waiting for them-and they reached ... -guide.aspx
    When Nehemiah returned from Persia to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls around the demolished city, he discovered a faulty part of the resources at hand: the faith  ... album.aspx
    Participate in Christmas Reset 2016-17 
  3. Take 2017 to Participate in the Nicene Reset

Nicene Reset

This post is underdevelopment your comments are welcome in forming a dialogue on this topic.

Here is a draft of suggestions that could be expanded upon.
  1. The basic suggestion is that Christian Communities take a sabbatical or jubilee year to reset their core values and activities around basic Christian teaching summarized in the Nicene Creed  see Index to Foundational Christian Truth

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